Dembir not only complies with the Act No. 5200 of Turkey, regarding the legal organization of the producers for the purpose of integration with the Common Market Organization princibles and the Common Fisheries Policies of the EU, it also complies with the related directives of EU in terms of satisfying the conditions for being designated as a National Producer Union.
First Marine Fishermen Producer Union was founded in 2008 in İstanbul with the participation of leading fleet owners, joined by the İstanbul Cooperative Union of Fishermen and a number of independent Cooperatives. Similar partnership strategy was adopted by the Trabzon Fishermen Producer Union, as fishermen cooperatives as well as various associations and industry leaders were encouraged to become partners in other provinces as well.
Finally, in 2012, all of the 8 already established Fishermen Producer Unions, namely ; İstanbul, İzmir, Rize, Trabzon, Balıkesir, Samsun, Sinop and Yalova, founded the National (Central) Marine Fishermen Producer Union (DEMBİR).
Although, it is the DEMBİR policy to encourage the participation of new partners in the already formed Producer Unions, especially organized corporate entities, and the foundation of new Producer Unions at the provincial level, at present, DEMBİR represents the fishermen that realizes more than 65% of the total catch in the territorial waters of Turkey.
Well aware of the necessity to have strong and sound policies and princibles for prolonged sustainability, Dembir, has a comprehensive code of conduct, as well as established strategies to achieve its goals.
The basic goals of Dembir could be summarized as;
• Close interaction with the diverse stakeholders to achieve and maintain fisheries sustainability 
• Close interaction with international stewardship bodies to promote up to date fisheries management strategies
• Promote and coordinate sectoral capacity and resiliance build up, training and certification, market intervention, integrated market involvement and diversification master plans
• Establishment of bilateral, multilateral, and horizontal cooperation with national and international, scientific, governmental, NGO, and corporate bodies to achieve diversification as well as  increased profitability, socio-economical integrity and wide spread participation and awareness of activities
• Promote and steer, community based as well as regional stakeholder councils, monitor and maintain ecosytem integrity, adapt proven policies and participatory governance methodologies
• Promote and adapt internationally recognized fisheries governance and sustainability princibles under the general conditions of food safety and security
• Promote the establishment of COM (Common Organization of the Markets), Fisheries Green Paper, regional cooperation and governance methodologies under a hollistic approach where the primary stakeholders stand up to their responsibilities in terms of procurement of essential prerequisites
• Promote and demand conciousness build up to successfully adapt global practices in the light of variables; ecosystem, climate change, local-regional-global trade tendencies and projections, socio-economical status, presence of infrastructures, planning-implementation-monitoring capabilities, cultural background, physical and financial restrictions and etc.
• Promote, coordinate and demand inter and intra cooperation through mutual benefit, common sense, logic, science and expertise, sincerity and visibility princibles. 
• Cooperate extensively to achieve the visionary goal of becoming a diversified, global, professionally recognized and respected institutional (Social, scientific, economical,environmental) Producer Union.
İstanbul f.p.u
İzmir f.p.u
Rize f.p.u
Trabzon f.p.u
Balıkesir f.p.u
Sinop f.p.u
Samsun f.p.u
Yalova f.p.u

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